Saturday, March 29, 2014

Express Yourself Creatively

Are you one of those people who says, “I’m just not creative”…?  I’ve heard this statement numerous times from friends and family and every time it irritates me because although you might not be the ‘artsy type,’ I believe we all have some creativity in us! 

According to, the definition of creativity is: “the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods and interpretations.” For some, creativity comes easier and according to an article by Caroline Gregoire in the Huffington Post, there are certain characteristics creative people do differently. I found myself identifying with many of these, which isn’t surprising since fashion is a creative art form and I thrive off expressing myself through what I wear. However, even if you don’t consider yourself the “creative type,” there are ways you can enhance your creative thinking skills.

Be present and aware: Gregoire states, “The world is a creative person's oyster -- they see possibilities everywhere and are constantly taking in information that becomes fodder for creative expression.” Being aware of your surroundings, making observations and being curious can all enhance your creative side. Next time you’re driving, taking a walk or even watching television, really observe what your mind is taking in and be aware of your surroundings. We often “do,” because our society is so results oriented but when we simply “be” we notice a whole new dimension of the world. If you’re having trouble feeling present in the moment, try mindful meditation. 

Find what inspires you: Find your niche and run with it. Following your dreams and passions will not only make you feel more fulfilled, it will motivate you to accomplish those internal desires. When you feel passionate and motivated about something you care about or want, you will be more likely to come up with great ideas on that subject matter.

Travel and explore: Leaving your home territory for an extended period of time is an excellent way to gain a different understanding of the world, which in turn will open your mind to new possibilities and ideas. Study abroad, spend a summer in a new city or treat yourself to a needed vacation. If you can’t get away for a long period of time, try to go on weekend getaways. Just leave and go somewhere. This is the best way to clear your head and reflect. In order to come up with new ideas, you need to have a blank mind free from current worries.

Take time to be alone: Solitude can do wonders for a person. I know some people say they hate being alone and fear loneliness but I think a large aspect of that thinking stems from a fear of being labeled “anti-social” or as a “hermit.” For myself, this kind of thinking started in high school and I felt weird for not wanting to go out on weekends, but it just wasn’t my thing. I would rather be home in my room contemplating and processing, because this is how I recharge and being social can be very exhausting. Part of this comes from being an introvert, but even extroverts can find benefits in taking time to be alone. If you’re the type who feels they need to be making plans with friends every weekend, try taking a weekend off from your social life and see how it feels. Maybe the solitude will bring new insights you never knew you had. Sometimes all it takes is a few days away from any outside distractions. “We need to give ourselves the time alone to simply allow our minds to wander,” notes Gregoire.
Ask questions: If you question the world and how it works, that’s a sign you are creative. Creative’s don’t accept other's viewpoints of the world, they consider them, but they're open to seeing all the possibilities and seeking further questions. Gregoire says that creative’s opt to live the examined life because they look at the world around them and want to know why, and how, it is the way it is. Anyone can do this by analyzing situations critically and not believing everything they read, hear or see. Thinking about the underlying themes within the media that are reflected in our society is a good way to start. Think critically and never stop asking questions. 

These are a few ways you can get your creative juices flowing and I hope it’s helpful! There are numerous other ways to boost your creative thinking and several articles out there on the topic. If you have any further questions or want to continue the conversation on creativity, please comment below! :) 


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